11.07. - 16.08. 2024
Harun Farocki. Inextinguishable Fire
Greene Naftali Gallery, New York | USA
Curator: Antje Ehmann
Films: TheirNewspapers, InextinguishableFire, A Way, Two Paths, The Words of the Chairman, Respite; objects: T-Shirts from the private collection

03.02. - 01.04. 2023
Harun Farocki. Consider Labour
Cooper Gallery, University of Dundee | Scotland
Curators: Sophia Hao, Antje Ehmann
Installation: Labour in  a Single Shot
Films: In Comparison,Workers Leaving the Factory, Georg K. Glaser. Writer and Smith, Filmbooks, Catch Phrases - Catch Images. A Conversation with Vilém Flusser

18.11. 2022 - 14.01. 2023
Harun Farocki. Against War
Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin  Germany
Curator: Antje Ehmann
Films: InextinguishableFire, TheirNewspapers, The Words of the Chairman, WhiteChristmas, TwoPaths, A Way
Installations: The Silver and the Cross, Transmission

22.09. - 16.10. 2022
Harun Farocki. Against War
Forum Stadtpark / Steirischer Herbst, Graz | Austria
Curator: Antje Ehmann
Films: InextinguishableFire, TheirNewspapers, The Words of the Chairman, WhiteChristmas, TwoPaths, A Way
Installations: The Silver and the Cross, Transmission

09.09. - 05.11. 2022
As You See. The works of Harun Farocki
Art Quarter Budapest | Hungary
Curator: Krisztián Kukla
Films: As You See, War at a Distance, The Expression of Hands
Installations: War Tropes, Eye-Machine, Counter Music, Interface, Labour in a Single Shot,

13.12. 2021 - 13.02. 2022
Harun Farocki
Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis | USA
Film, Installation: Images of the World and the Inscription of War,Interface

03.12. 2021 - 19.01.2022
Harun Farocki: Shaping of our Present
A Promise of Kneropy, Bratislava | Slowakei
Curator: Pieter Sit in collaboration with Antje Ehmann
Installations: Parallel II + III, Comparison via a Third, Counter Music,
The Silver and the Cross, Labour in a Single Shot

01.10.- 31.10. 2020
Harun Farocki. Reality Would Have to Begin
Art Encounters Foundation, Timisoara | Rumania
Curator: Diana Marincu in collaboration with Antje Ehmann
Installations: Interface, In-Formation, Transmission, War Tropes, Synchronization, Labour in a Single Shot
Screenings: Images of the World and Inscription of War, In Comparison

06.02. - 06. 04. 2020
Harun Farocki & Hito Steyerl. Life Captured Still
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London | Great Britain
Curators: Antje Ehmann, Carles Guerra
Exhibition Architect: Luis Feduchi
Installations: Workers Leaving the Factory in Eleven Decades, The Silver and the Cross, Comparison via a Third, Labour in a Single Shot (with Antje Ehmann). Film: Two Paths

17. 09. 2019 - 05.01. 2020
Harun Farocki. Who is in Charge?
Instituto Moreira Salles, Sao Paulo | Brazil
Curators: Antje Ehmann, Heloísa Espada Rodriguez de Lima
Installations: Workers Leaving the Factory in Eleven Decades, The Silver and the Cross,
In Comparison, A New ProductRe-Pouring, Labour in a Single Shot

13.04. - 15.06. 2019
Harun Farocki. Parallel I-IV
Cache Space, Beijing | China
Curator: Ma Yongfeng
Installation: Parallel I-IV

04.04. - 25.04. 2019
Harun Farocki: Über die Entgrenzung der Arbeit
Goethe Institut Bukarest | Rumania
Curator: Silke Wittig
Installation: Workers Leaving the Factory in 11 Decades, Fims: Nothing Ventured, A New Product, How to Life in the FRG, The Interview, Retraining, Nothing Ventured

16.03. - 30.06. 2019
Harun Farocki: Who Is in Charge?
Instituto Moreira Salles, Rio de Janeiro | Brazil
Curators: Antje Ehmann, Heloisa Espada
Retrospective & exhibition: Counter-Music, Interface, Parallel I-IV, Inextinguishable Fire, Serious Games I-IV, CatchPhrases. Catch Images. A Conversation with Vilém Flusser

27.10. 2018 - 07.04. 2019
What ought To Be Done? Work & Life
National Museum of Modern Contemporary Art, Seoul | Korea
Curators: Antje Ehmann, Eunhee Kim
Retrospective & exhibition: Interface, Workers Leaving the Factory in Eleven Decades, Comparison via a Third, Labour in a Single Shot, Parallele I - IV

25.11. 2017 - 18.03. 2018
Empathie - Harun Farocki
Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille | France
Curators: Antje Ehmann, Carles Guerra
Installations: Woerkers Leaving the Factory in 11 Decades, Interface, The Silver and the Cross, Re-Pouring, Comparison via a Third, Labour in a Single Shot, Counter-Music. Film: Workers Leaving the Factory

23.11. 2017 - 08.01. 2018
Harun Farocki. Images Contre Elles-Memes
Centre Pompidou, Paris | France
Curator: Marcella Lista
Installations: Dubbing (with Antje Ehmann), On Construction of Griffith's Films, Feasting or Flying (with Antje Ehmann), I Thought I was Seeing Convicts, Serious-Games, In-Formation, Interface, Parallel I-IV. Films: Catch Phrases, Catch Images. A Conversation with Vilém Flusser, The Expression of Hands.

27.10. 2017 - 17.01. 2018
Harun Farocki. Parallel I - IV
MAMAC. Museé D'Art Modern, Nice | France
Curator: Hélène Guenin
Installation: Parallel I-IV

16.09. 2017 - 04.11. 2017
Harun Farocki and the Music
Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin | Germany
Curator: Antje Ehmann
Films / Installations: Music-Video, Confusion, Remember Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life, White Christmas

14.09. 2017 - 28.01. 2018
Harun Farocki. By other Means
n.b.k. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin | Germany
Curators: Antje Ehmann, Carles Guerra
Installations & archive material: War Tropes, Feasting or Flying, On Construction of Griffith's Films,
Dubbing. Diverse Fotos, Documents and Poster.

10.06. - 07.08. 2017
Antje Ehmann, Harun Farocki. Labour in a Single Shot.
Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius | Lithunia
Curator: Antje Ehmann
Installations: Labour in a Single Shot, Workers Leaving their Workplace in 15 Cities

10.03. - 28.05. 2017
Harun Farocki: Counter Music
Haus der Kunst, Munich | Germany
Curators: Okwui Enwezor, Antje Ehmann
Installations: Workers Leaving the Factory in Eleven Decades, Counter-Music, Comparison via a Third, Labour in a Single Shot; films: Workers Leaving the Factory, A New Product, Nothing Ventures, An Image

10.03. - 07.04. 2017
Harun Farocki Schreenshot
Galerie Art & Essai - université Rennes 2 | France
Curators: Master students of contemporary Art Exhibitions
Installations: Interface, Eye / Machine I, Parallel IV, Serious Games I + III, War at a Distance, I thought I was Seeing Convicts

13.01. - 26.03. 2017
Harun Farocki. "Deep Play"
The Grand Café and LIVE, Ville de Saint-Nazaire | France
Curator: Hélène Annerreau-Barnay
Installation: Deep Play

04.11. 2016 - 12.02. 2017
Harun Farocki. Parallel I - IV
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino | Italy
Curator: Irene Calderoni
Installation: Parallel I - IV

09.09. - 30.10. 2016
Harun Farocki: Something else becomes Visible
Zarya. Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Nowisibirsk | Russia
Curator: Tatiana Kirianova
Installations: Parallel I-IV, Serious Games I-IV, I thought I was Seeing Convicts, The Silver and the Cross

01.07. - 10.09. 2016
Harun Farocki, Antje Ehmann

aut. architektur und tirol, Innsbruck | Austria
Curators: Arno Ritter with Antje Ehmann
and Armin Linke
Films: Zum Vergleich, Sauerbruch Hutton. Architekten, Ein Bild,
Ein neues Produkt, Die Schöpfer der Einkaufswelten

01.06. - 16.10. 2016
Harun Farocki. Empathy
Fundacío Antoni Tapìes, Barcelona | Spain
Curators: Antje Ehmann, Carles Guerra
Many installations and films

25.01. - 30.03. 2016
Harun Farocki. Programming the Visible
Paco Das Artes, Sao Paulo | Brazil
Curator: Jane de Almeida
Installation and film: Parallel I-IV, Interface, Catch Images. Catch Phrases. Vilém Flusser

20.01. - 29.05. 2016
Harun Farocki. What's at stake
IVAM. Institut Valencia d'Art Modern, Valencia | Spain
Curators: Antje Ehmann, Carles Guerra
Many installations and films