The Taste of Life
For years I've been looking for the means to capture everyday life just as it is perceived through a glance from the street. Twenty years ago, you could see young people standing with their bicycles on street corners …
On Display: Peter Weiss
We were visiting Peter Weiss in Stockholm on 17th and 18th June 1979. We talked about his work on the book "The Aesthetics of Resistance". Two volumes have already been published and P.W. is currently on the third …
Single. A Record is Being Produced
"Single" is not a theoretical treatise; it just uses clips to show how a single is produced. The song is "Time to Love", the singers call themselves Witchcraft. Also involved are the composer, arranger, producer, the studio musicians …
Anna and Lara are Playing Television
My daughters were eleven years old at the time. They sat down behind a television set without a tube and played out the news, weather, shows and commercials. This film is now missing, which makes me very sad …
Industry and Photography
Farocki frequently chooses a single news photo as his pretext. In his film he explains convincingly that 'learning from images' is not so much a question of having power over the image or a consistent subject-position towards the image …
Buildings 1-2
In November 1976 I had an idea for "Sesamstraße". I noted down images of destroyed houses and intact ones, ruins of war and those from peacetime, country-houses and town-houses, houses in cities holding out the promise …
Bedtime Stories 1-3 / Cat Stories
See "Bedtime Stories 1-5"
Between Two Wars
A film about the time of the blast furnances – 1917-1933 – about the development of an industry, about a perfect machinery which had to run itself to the point of its own destruction …
An Image by Sarah Schumann
This Harun Farocki film shows the creation of a picture on which the artist worked for nine weeks. Sarah Schumann lives in Berlin and is a pioneer of the feminist scene. 1977 together with several other artists she organized …
Sarah Schumann Paints an Image
Made up of material for the film "Ein Bild von Sarah Schumann", it also includes a conversation with the artist…
Bedtime Stories 1-5
The five "Einschlageschichten" are bed-time stories for children, made 1976/77, in which Farocki uses simple objects to elucidate cinematographic method. […] The stories deal with bridges, cable cars and ships crossing roads …
The Battle. Scenes from Germany
A Communist shoots his brother 'turned' to become a Nazi whilst being held by the Gestapo. A party member and family father who, having 'helped' his wife and daughter to depart this life so that they need not …
About Narration
Interdisciplinary studies put into practice is a plane on which HaF's interests and mine coincide. Ideas of fictional research projects in films emerge very early on, or of film as research device, allowing people …
About 'Song of Ceylon' by Basil Wright
Farocki shows and comments on excerpts from the film "Song of Ceylon" by Basil Wright …
The Struggle with Images. A Critique of Television
What do the images in television information broadcasting, in feature programs and documentaries actually convey? Do they tell us anything important about their subjects? Do they make anything more obvious? …
Poster Artists
They gave me another chance; I filmed the people who paint cinema posters painting, and the results were meant to provide inserts for a magazine program entitled "Kino 75" …
About 'Part-time Work of a Female Slave'
Just a few excerpts from the film and a few words by me. It wasn't broadcast, as I avoided all meta-critcism ("Kluge describes concisely …" "the film however") …
A contribution to a series examining the methods television presenters use to link from one item to the next and thus to prove the evidence of the previous item, the following item, all the items, themselves etc. …
The Trouble with Images. A Critique of Television
Refreshingly, Farocki lays his cards on the table at the very beginning of the film, "I want to demonstrate that most feature films are of the sort that make people lose their interest and appetite for the real world" …
Someday you will love me too. About the meaning of Dimestore Novels
The feature "Einmal wirst auch du mich lieben" tells two kinds of stories: events from the lives of people one could describe as readers of dime novels (a manual laborer, an art-metalworker and locksmith, a sales representative …
Brunner is Next
I had intended that each of the roughly 60 shots would be static, without even the imperceptible correction pans normally used in such cases. Every shot was to be a tangent, of which one must put an infinite number around a circle …
Make Up
The make-up artist Serge Lutens is shown covering a model's face with powder then working it into her face over several minutes. The face becomes a canvas, primed for painting …
Sesame Street
The editors we worked with had ideology on the brain; we had studied – well, let's call it didactics ourselves. In addition, the American producers had a very strict policy, so that one had to put an incredible amount of work into …
The Language of Revolution. Examples of a Revolutionary Rhetoric, examined by Hans Christoph Buch
The program is a kind of filmic essay about the language of revolution. The examples it uses are taken from speeches by the leaders of the French Revolution Danton and St. Just (in Georg Büchner's drama Dantons Death), by Fidel Castro and Malcolm X …
Remember Tommorow is the First Day of the Rest of your Life
Farocki's ten minute short film is composed of shots of an AFN DJ at work (approximately a quarter of the film) and of a car ride, whereby the camera points out of the car (through the windscreen or the side windows) …
Something Self Explanatory (15x)
"Eine Sache, die sich versteht" is an educational film about an aspect of political economy. The concepts of use value, barter value and labor as a commodity are the subjects …
The Division of all Days
This film has an educational character. Before the destruction of the worker's movement by facism, there were many thousend of working people taking courses in history, culture, politics, and economics without any benefit to their working life …