Original title Das Silber und das Kreuz Concept and realisation Harun Farocki Image Ingo Kratisch Editing Christine Niehoff Postproduction, management, sound Matthias Rajmann Narration Cynthia Beatt Translation Michael Turnbull Production Harun Farocki Filmproduktion, Berlin Format video (double projection), color, sound, 17 min. (Loop), Germany 2010 produced for the exhibitionThe Potosí Principal, curated by Alice Creischer, Max Jorge Hinderer and Andreas Siekmann Venues MNCARS – Museo Nacinal Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid / Spain; HKW – Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin / Germany; Museo Nacional de Arte and Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore, La Paz / Bolivia
All Works of this Decade:
Parallel IVParallel IIIParallel IIParallelWar TropesThe Silver and the CrossRe-PouringSerious Games IV: A Sun without ShadowSerious Games II: Three DeadSerious Games I: Watson is Down